Laser Eye Surgery Centre in Brisbane



Presbyopia is a condition in which the eye's lens can no longer change shape to focus on close objects, rendering them blurry or unfocused. This loss of close-up focusing ability is age-related, as the eye lens becomes less flexible as we grow older. Presbyopia is often experienced as people enter into their 40s.

This video provides and overview of the Monovision procedures as well as the various options available.

Presbyopia can be treated by a surgical technique called monovision, in which one eye is left untouched or refocused for long distance vision, and the other eye is treated for short distance vision (reading vision) using Lasik or lens surgery. Monovision reduces or eliminates the need for glasses or contacts for most distance and rear tasks.

It may seem difficult to get used to at first, but about six to eight weeks after the monovision procedure your brain is able to adjust to the different focusing ability of your eyes. A preoperative trial with contact lenses is a useful test to see if a patient will adapt to the intended refractive outcome.

Monovision can affect depth perception slightly. It is not recommended for people such as pilots, taxi drivers or anyone with a heavy vehicle license such as truck or bus drivers.

There are now other alternatives to monovision, which your surgeon will discuss with you.

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